Saturday, January 24, 2015

Classes of Prepositions

Simple prepositions:
Simple prepositions are those ones who consist of one word and, they are very simple to understand. These prepositions are the most basic prepositions and are used frequently. Here is a list of some simple prepositions with examples.
I will tell him a story about a monster.
The plane flies above the clouds.
All along the way, she did not speak a word.
She had decided to quit before Christmas, but changed her plan.
When we were in school, I used to sit beside her in class.
Besides Math, I am very fond of history
They have bought a new home near the school.
There is an apple on the table
She walked past me, but refused to acknowledge my presence.
Put the scarf over your head
The last game was Brazil versus France
She spent her birthday with him till the end
Double Prepositions:
Double prepositions are words made of two prepositions, but they are joined to make a whole new one. Here is a list of some double prepositions.
He always climbs onto the table.
Outside the house lies a beautiful garden.
Up to
It is up to us to find a way out
Once upon a time, there lived a king called David.
Throughout winter, my cousin has been sick.
The kids were lost amid the jungle.
I never leave my house without an umbrella due to the uncertain weather.
The document is within that carpet.

Compound Prepositions:
Compound prepositions are prepositions together to do the work of one. However, unlike double prepositions, compound prepositions are not joined and turned into one word. They remain two different words. Also, their use is mainly for idiomatic forms. 

According to
According to the rule book, peeping is allowed in this game.
Due to
I seldom step out due to the uncertain weather.
Near to
There are beautiful weekend getaways near to New York.
Next to
Mary was sitting next to Joey.
Instead of
Instead of standing by my side, he ran away.
Inside of
The inside of the auditorium is beautiful.
Phrasal Prepositions:
Phrasal prepositions are a group of verbs, adverbs, and other words that works as a preposition. Here is a list of some phrasal prepositions with examples.

As far as
He walked as far as he could.
As long as
I love her as long as she loves me.
As soon as
Please, call me as soon as possible!
As well as
My last job was dangerous as well as exhausting.
In spite of
Paul and Juan stood there in spite of the bitter cold.
In reference to
This is in reference to the article you wrote about violence.
On top of
She believed in staying on top of things.
In regard to
In regard to everything that has happened, I want my questions answered.

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